VIDEO Watch "Primetime BLACKOUT on Fox News of BOMBSHELL Michael Cohen Payments" on YouTube

Primetime BLACKOUT on Fox News of BOMBSHELL Michael Cohen Payments
In a notable absence of coverage, Fox News has been criticized for effectively ignoring the bombshell revelations surrounding Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal attorney. According to the video titled "Primetime BLACKOUT on Fox News of BOMBSHELL Michael Cohen Payments," Cohen allegedly received over $4 million through a shell company, with specific payments including $600,000 from AT&T and $1.2 million from Novartis. The reported ties of Cohen's payments to a Russian oligarch raise significant concerns, particularly given the context of ongoing investigations related to Russian interference in U.S. politics.
### Key Takeaways:
- Silenced Coverage: Despite the gravity of these allegations involving significant sums of money and potential corruption, Fox News chose not to extensively cover the issue during prime time. Notably, Michael Cohen's name was scarcely mentioned across a three-hour period during which the revelations became public.

- Allegations of Bias: The discussion included commentary from critics who argued that Fox News's choice to downplay this information reflects an attempt to protect Trump and obscure pivotal issues from their audience. This represents a significant instance of what has been termed "informational incongruity," where the viewing public is left unaware of critical matters directly impacting government and political integrity.
- Shift in the Narrative: The video further highlights how responses from guests on Fox often divert the conversation away from the implications of Cohen's payments, framing them instead as irrelevant, which muddles the narrative regarding potential illegalities and conflicts of interest.
### Community Engagement
What are your thoughts on the media’s role in shaping public perception during pivotal events? Do you think this blackout by Fox News is indicative of a larger issue within news media landscape today? Share your perspectives below!
For those interested in the intricate connections between politics and media coverage, you might also explore related threads discussing media bias and political accountability.
