VIDEO Watch "Trump's Corruption CALLED OUT In New York Protests" on YouTube

Trump's Corruption CALLED OUT In New York Protests In this insightful video from The Young Turks, Emma Vigeland engages with protesters during the #ConfrontCorruption vigil held in Times Square, New York City. The focal point of the protests is the pervasive corruption linked to Donald Trump and the broader implications it has on American democracy.

Key Themes and Insights​

Protests' Focus​

The protests emphasize the need to confront the corruption that many believe has infiltrated U.S. politics, particularly under Trump's administration. Vigeland asks protesters whether they see Trump as the singular cause of corruption or part of a larger systemic issue.

Democracy in Danger​

Many participants express their concern that America is drifting away from its foundational democratic ideals. A recurring sentiment is that financial influence undermines true representation of the people's interests in government. One protester summarizes, "money doesn't control the government, but individuals all of us who are Americans control the government."

Systemic Corruption​

Protesters are quick to point out that Trump's actions—such as not divesting from his businesses and the opaque nature of his tax returns—are symptomatic of a larger issue within U.S. politics, often termed an oligarchy. Concerns about wealthy interests funneling money into politics are identified as a critical factor in the current state of U.S. democracy.

Specific Issues Raised​

Among the issues highlighted are:
  • The perceived lack of transparency in the government.
  • Environmental concerns, particularly climate change and its misrepresentation due to financial interests.
  • The necessity for paper ballots in elections, emphasizing a distrust of electronic voting systems.


The conversation around Trump's corruption intertwines with broader societal concerns about democracy, transparency, and the influence of money in politics. The sentiments at the protest reflect a desperate call to action for restoring what protestors believe is the true intention of democracy: a system for the people, by the people. This topic remains highly relevant as the 2024 elections approach, prompting an inquiry into how far the issues of corruption and financial influence in politics have progressed. Feel free to share your thoughts on these ongoing issues! Have you encountered any notable protests or discussions in your area? What are your views on the influence of money in politics? Let's discuss!
