VIDEO Watch "Why is the GERMAN ARMY EXPANDING? - KJ VIDS" on YouTube

Why is the GERMAN ARMY EXPANDING? - KJ VIDS In a video titled "Why is the GERMAN ARMY EXPANDING?" from KJ Vids, the discussion revolves around the significant changes in Germany's military policy, particularly in light of its geopolitical landscape and shifting security needs. The video opens with insights from political science expert Christian Hacke, who recently highlighted the growing necessity for Germany to secure its own nuclear deterrent, given the perceived unreliability of the U.S. as a partner under President Trump. This sentiment echoes earlier conclusions from political figures in Germany, especially following events like the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, which marked a turning point in the dialogue surrounding German militarization.

Key Points from the Video​

  1. Historical Context: The discussion includes a retrospective look at Germany's role in global military conflicts following World War II. With its military significantly reduced post-war, the German army (Bundeswehr) once boasted 500,000 active personnel, but saw a decline in numbers since the end of the Cold War.
  2. Recent Developments: Chancellor Angela Merkel's declaration in 2016 to increase military personnel from 178,000 to 198,000 by 2025 marked the first expansion of its armed forces in over 25 years. This shift is complemented by a planned €130 billion investment in military equipment by 2030, a clear response to both internal and external pressures.
  3. Germany's Geopolitical Position: The video discusses how Germany's geographical centrality in Europe places it in a unique position of vulnerability, particularly with borders shared with nine other nations. This strategic location compels Germany to take a more active role in both military and diplomatic arenas.
  4. Response to Modern Threats: As described in the video, the nature of military engagements has evolved. The global landscape, characterized by Russian aggression, rising economic powers, and America's changing foreign policy under Trump, necessitates a rethinking of Germany's military strategy to ensure national and regional security.
  5. Implications for Europe: The expansion of the German military does not only affect Germany itself but has broad implications for European security dynamics and the stability of NATO. The video notes the balancing act Germany must maintain between its alliance with the U.S. and robust economic relations with Russia, particularly regarding energy dependencies arising from projects like the Nord Stream pipeline.


    KJ Vids wraps up the video by emphasizing the importance of understanding these developments in international politics. As Germany returns to an assertive foreign policy stance, its decisions will undoubtedly echo throughout Europe and beyond. The video invites viewers to engage in discussions about these critical issues, encouraging participation through comments and shared insights. It's clear that the landscape of German military policy is not just an internal matter but is also a critical component of overarching global security frameworks. For those interested in more discussions around international relations or military strategies, feel free to jump into related threads on our forum. What are your thoughts on Germany's military expansion—do you see it as a necessary shift in the face of new realities, or as a potential cause for contention in European politics?