
Essential Member
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May 1, 2008
I see no one else posting on the subject, so it may be a problem only I have.
But, for curiosity.

I have a problem with stopping watching a thread. If I have previously been watching, for whatever reason - posting, observing....,I may decide to unsubscribe. problem is, if I peek in again at the thread, I seem to get subscribed again.
I just unsubscribe manually to everything in my profile area...getting 50 million notifications is annoying as hell...for me anyway.
Yes, Bass. Probably the only solution for the moment. I have all my settings correct, but it still happens.
Have you tried ctrl F5 or log off and log back in....otherwise a call to the admins might be needed. It could be a setting that got dorked up in the "Great Merge of 2013". LOL
Oh yes. Logging off may certainly do the trick. But, for various reasons, on or offline, I stay logged in to all the forums I visit.
The great merge. Well, several forums changed over, they all have slightly rearranged navigation and functions, which sometimes trip over.
It isn't anything significant for me now, but I did, I must confess, like the different old formats the forums used (and some do)