Windows 7 What Do I do if an update failed how do I get it to reinstall again? I am using Windows 7

Just try the Windows Update again and see if it will install. Sometimes it may take two or three attempts to get the install done.

Don't fret, just be patient and it will install.
if the update fails constantly, google the KB (number) and usually comes up with a direct link to the microsoft download centre where you can do it manually for those stubborn ones.
What Do I do if an update failed how do I get it to reinstall again? I am using Windows 7

In this case it is important to see the error code of the update. Sometimes it takes to clear cache, sometimes an update cannot install due to a driver incompatibility with the update. Look it up in your Windows Update Center.
In this case it is important to see the error code of the update. Sometimes it takes to clear cache, sometimes an update cannot install due to a driver incompatibility with the update. Look it up in your Windows Update Center.
Sometimes, as in my case due to user error.
This months (August 2010) updates failed on my machine with an error during the mandatory reboot that the configuration failed.
The message was "Failure to configure Windows Updates".
Several attempts produced the same results.
I looked at the various updates and saw that one was a Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 security update.

I remembered that I had foolishly disabled the Microsoft.NET Framework NGEN v.4.30319_x86 optimazition service thinking it was partly responsible for a slowed down start up.

I had even gone so far as changing the .exe for this service from mscorvw.exe to mscorvwold.exe to ensure that the service wouldn't start.

I was blaming this service for my slow startups when in fact it turned out to be that my WiFi\NIC card(s) was looking for ipv6 components at startup.

Restoring the mscorvw.exe file to it's original state and changing the service properties back to the default Automatic (delayed) did the trick.

The next attempt to install the updates succeeded.

Apparently having this service unavailable caused the Microsoft.NET update to fail to configure taking the rest of the updates with it.

BTW, I was able to shave about 10 seconds from my boot time (as reported by Bootracer) by disabling ipv6 using info from here.

How to Disable IPv6 in Windows 7

My computer was taking about 10 seconds or more to enable my Wi-Fi or ethernet connections, preventing my computer from booting beyond that point at least according to Bootracer.

My machine (notebook) now boots to a full desktop in 30-35 seconds.
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