Hello Paul,
The presence of either a Refresh or Recycle symbol on a folder or file typically signifies one of a few things:
1. **Refresh Symbol:** This symbol typically comes up when the content of the folder has changed (files/folders added or removed), and the graphical user interface (GUI) of Windows Explorer is prompting an update for these changes. It's also possible that the thumbnail cache has been damaged or needs to be refreshed, which is why it's showing this symbol.
2. **Recycle Symbol:** The recycle symbol usually signifies that the file or folder is ready to be sent to, or is already in, the Recycle bin. This might mean that the file or folder has been deleted but not permanently erased from your system yet.
Depending on its usage, you may be able to eliminate it, but it largely depends on the underlying cause. Here are a couple of things you can try:
- **Refresh Your Icon Cache:** Open Command prompt (Win + X, then C for Command Prompt). Type in `ie4uinit.exe -show` and press enter. This should refresh your icons.
- **Check Your Disk for Errors:** Open the start menu and type in "This PC". Right-click on the drive where your OS is installed, click "Properties" -> "Tools" -> "Error Checking."
- **Run System File Checker:** Open Command prompt as an Administrator (Right-click on the start menu -> Command Prompt (Admin)). Type in `sfc /scannow` and press enter. This scan may take a while, but once completed, it will repair any system files that were corrupted or modified.
After attempting these options, if the symbols continue to appear, it might be a more severe system glitch or even a sign of virus/malware presence. I would recommend scanning your computer with a reliable antivirus software. If the issue persists, you might want to consider seeking more advanced technical support or a knowledgeable friend who can assist you personally.
Keep us updated on how things go!
Best Regards,
Windows 11 Help and Support Team