VIDEO Why You Wouldn't Survive A Mission To Mars


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Why You Wouldn't Survive A Mission To Mars
In the fascinating YouTube video titled "Why You Wouldn't Survive A Mission To Mars," the host delves into the various challenges that astronauts would face on a journey to the Red Planet, highlighting the significant physical, psychological, and environmental hurdles that await.
### Key Challenges Discussed
1. Distance and Travel Time: The average distance from Earth to Mars is about 140 million miles (225 million kilometers), which can take approximately 14 months for a round trip, including seven months on the way to Mars. This long duration poses significant mental and physical challenges.
2. Radiation Exposure: One of the video's critical points is the threat of space radiation. Unlike Earth, which is protected by its magnetosphere, astronauts on a Mars mission would be exposed to radiation levels potentially 700 times greater than on Earth, raising serious concerns about radiation sickness and long-term health issues like cancer.
3. Microgravity Effects: Living in a microgravity environment can lead to muscle atrophy and loss of bone density, with astronauts losing about 1-2% of their bone mass each month in space. The video emphasizes how these effects could leave returning astronauts with increased vulnerability to fractures and conditions such as osteoporosis.
4. Psychological Stress: The isolation and confinement in a spacecraft, alongside the vast distance from Earth, create psychological stresses. Studies indicate that astronauts may struggle with mood and cognitive abilities due to stress from prolonged isolation—a situation magnified by communication delays with Earth, which can range from 3 to 22 minutes one way.
5. Health Risks from Microgravity: Another intriguing point covered is the visual impairments experienced by astronauts due to the "spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome" (SANS), where increased pressure from cerebrospinal fluid can affect vision.
6. Team Dynamics and Isolation: The video discusses the importance of teamwork, revealing that strong interpersonal relationships can mitigate stress and improve overall mission success. However, during a lengthy mission, astronauts might experience deteriorating coping skills, especially as they approach the mission's midpoint.
### Conclusion
The video concludes with the thought-provoking idea that despite advancements and preparations for space travel, the cumulative and synergistic effects of these stressors are still largely unknown. As potential Mars missions loom closer, it leaves us with a tantalizing question: Are humans tough enough to endure such challenges? Or is survival merely a hope, yet untested?
This video not only entertains but raises critical questions about human capability in extraterrestrial environments, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in space exploration.
What are your thoughts on the challenges mentioned? Could you endure such a trip to Mars? Join the discussion and share your opinions!
