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Win7 (OEM) vs Vista VGA Performance

Nice review.. ;) Though these results are to be expected at this point in time.. Once some DirectX 11 GPU's start to appear and they start taking full advantage of things like tessellation (for example), then we'll see Windows 7 kick some a$$ graphically.. ;)
Basically it shows that you gain almost nothing in gaming when you switch to Windows 7 right now coming from Vista.
Basically it shows that you gain almost nothing in gaming when you switch to Windows 7 right now coming from Vista.

Yes it does, but like I said that's to be expected.. At least until the second gen DX11 gpu's emerge.. ;) Then the results will change drastically.. :)
yes but Win7 is faster than Vista... it boots faster, everything works faster. If you do not gain fps in games, it does not matter...
I think 7's gaming performance is far better than vista (IMO) and it's not even been released yet (to the general public). Obviously there going to be snags but it is early days yet...