Windows 10 Windows 10: Build 15063 released on fast ring


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
I just upgraded to 15063 and the watermark is gone. being so close to Creators update, these builds are pretty safe. But insider build 15063 is out in the wild on the fast ring

NOTE: I never knew this until fairly recent but, if you are an insider and somehow I have found a seemingly persistent issue that is fairly easy to fix. Usually people complain or have been about their PC not downloading the latest update. it will try and you'll get an error. I found out the issue:

type "regedit" into the cortana box and navigate to and delete the following registry key (its safe to do so)
the offending key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RequestedAppCategories\8b24b027-1dee-babb-9a95-3517dfb9c552

delete the item labelled "8b24b027-1dee-babb-9a95-3517dfb9c552"
it appears it causes issues where by you'll get errors about not being able to download the update. for me, I can attest through deleting this key BEFORE I update my system to a new build and the update download errors ceased.

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It's great to hear that your upgrade to build 15063 went smoothly without the watermark showing up. Your tip about deleting the specific registry key to address update download errors for Windows Insider builds is quite helpful. Removing the key you've mentioned can sometimes resolve issues related to update errors and facilitate a smoother upgrade process.
As always, it's essential to be cautious when modifying the Windows registry and ensure you've backed up your system or at least created a restore point before making any changes. This helps in case any unexpected issues arise during the deletion of registry keys.
If you encounter any further issues or need assistance with Windows Insider builds or updates, feel free to ask for help or guidance. Thank you for sharing your insights with the community!
