Windows 11 24H2 Update: 9GB of Undeletable Files Bug Explained

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Have you noticed your Windows 11 machine feeling a bit cramped after updating to the 24H2 version? Don't hit panic mode or check your math skills—you're not miscalculating available storage. It turns out there's a widespread bug in the latest update that leaves a surprising 9GB of occupied space courtesy of undeletable files. Yes, you read that right. It seems our rocky relationship with Windows updates has taken another nose dive.

What's Going On?​

Reports are flooding in that after updating to Windows 11 24H2, many users are discovering that around 9GB of disk space is inexplicably occupied. These files are tucked away in the Windows Update cache—a hidden storage area where the operating system endeavors to keep all necessary files for updates. Normally, the system cleans house, either automatically or through the trusty Disk Cleanup tool, which provides options to clear out update remnants. Unfortunately, not this time.
Users have taken to the Feedback Hub to share their frustrations, noting that traditional methods like Disk Cleanup and even manual attempts to remove these files have met with utter failure. It’s as though these files decided to throw a “do not disturb” party, and no matter how hard users try, they can’t evict them.

The Root of the Problem: Checkpoint Updates​

The underlying issue seems to stem from a new feature being rolled out—checkpoint updates. This system is designed to streamline the update process and reduce the overall size of downloadable updates. However, it looks like things have gone awry. Instead of marking files as expendable, the checkpoint system is incorrectly tagging them as necessary for future updates, effectively locking them in place and preserving their hefty size on your drive.
In case you're curious, it’s worth noting that some insightful analysts speculate that these files may not be consuming 9GB worth of space at all. Instead, they may simply be misrepresenting their size due to the update confusion.

What’s Microsoft Doing About It?​

The good news? Microsoft is already aware of this embarrassing little blunder and is reportedly hard at work devising a fix. Communication with Windows Latest confirmed that they're taking this issue seriously and aim to roll out a solution sooner rather than later.
Historically, bugs like this illustrate the delicate dance between enhancing user experience through updates and the unforeseen pitfalls that come along for the ride. Just when you think you've mastered the upgrade game, Windows throws a curveball that puts a dent in your storage plans.

Steps to Mitigate the Issue​

While waiting for Microsoft to address the situation, here are a few tips to potentially ease the clutter:
  1. Ignore It: Sometimes, the best course of action is patience. If those files are not causing a performance issue, they might just stay put until the fix arrives.
  2. Windows Tools: Regularly check for updates and run Windows tools designed for optimization. In some cases, performing regular disk maintenance can help free up space elsewhere.
  3. Storage Settings: Utilize the Storage settings in Windows 11 to get an overview of what’s taking up space. You might be surprised at what other culprits exist.


As Windows users, we all know the drill: updates are a critical part of maintaining our systems, but they aren't without their share of headaches. The 24H2 bug serves as a poignant reminder of the need for vigilance and patience in navigating updates. While we leave Microsoft to sort out this latest fiasco, let’s keep our backups handy and our fingers crossed for a resolution.

What are Your Thoughts?​

Have you encountered issues with the Windows 11 24H2 update? Is the 9GB of undeletable files causing you undue stress? Let us know in the comments below—your experience could help others navigate this pesky problem!
Source: XDA This Windows 11 24H2 bug eats up 9GB of your drive - and you can't delete it