Windows 7 windows 7 build 7000


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
i have an asus p5kpl-cm mobo. dual core processor 2gig of ram sata harddrive blah blah blah.installed windows 7 from microsoft.clean install but when i put mobo cd in windows 7 days it doesnt support it.couldnt load any drivers to get on the net or anything. had to reinstall vista. any ideas why mobo cd is not supported.this computer ran earlier versions of windows 7 no problem.any answers would be appreciated.

Seeing that your mobo is P5K, its not too old. I have a Gigabyte P35 DS3R and yours is probably just one level below mine. Anyway, I didn't have to insert any driver CDs at all. Windows 7 supported everything and updated the necessary drivers through Windows Update. Why did you have to insert your CD anyway?

I had a similar problem. Eventually Microsoft told me to replace the SATA cable for the HDD and Voila! it worked. I was stumped as to what was wrong. I even uninstalled win 7 and reinstalled win xp and win xp worked like a charm. When I uninstalled win xp and reinstalled win 7 I had a problem. It seems that Win 7 is very finicky about hardware integrity. A simple cable was the problem! :confused::confused::confused:

First thing is never overclock hardware especially when fresh installing - the clean install kicks the bucket pretty quick and all sorts of problems will pop up after a 'successful' installation.

Secondly, check the sata cable for proper/firm seating - replace it if it feels loosely in seat.
