Windows 7 Windows 7 fezzes when I change power plans!!


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
When ever I change power plans from High Performance to Power Saver my computer freeze a little after it changes .. Did a clean install 2 times still the same thing .. Any ideas what is happening I have a Acer Extensa 4420 Amd athlon Dual Core Processor, 2 gigs of ram

Acer e-power management is not the most robust software in the world.

Currently it seems a lot of power management settings are causing all sorts of troubles with computers freezing all over the place.

The best advice I can give you is to turn off all power management software (disable), go plant a tree to make up the difference in wasted energy if you are that way inclined :)

In 6 months Acer will have provided more up to date software and have the bugs ironed out with the help of microsoft, in the meantime though just disable all power management settings.


Fixed the problem !! Used a new ATI driver and it fixed the problem !! I dont use Acer power Management
