Windows 7 Windows 7 Home Group


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
:mad: I am trying to delete a homegroup and start another one. I cannot share files on my current home group! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME EITHER SHARE FILES ON MY CURRENT GROUP OR START A NEW ONE TO BE ABLE TO SHARE FILES ON THAT!:mad: HHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

same problem here ..
i understand that the use of the homegroup in win 7 requirs that al the pc's in the network need win 7
is it possible to make a home network with 2x XP computers and a Win 7 ??
thanks for the help ;-)



Same problem here.
I have 2 laptops running W7 build 7000. Both PCs (Henk and Grace) show up in either network folder but i cannot write to any of them from any of the two laptops. I also manually set full access to all users but still i cannot write to any of the 2.
I tried synctoy 2.0 and it seemed to sync once but with a folder called Link Removed which does not exist when i search for it on her laptop.
I really hope MS will make thing much easier with the final version because this is a pain in the ass :(
Any advice would be appreciated !


same problem here ..
i understand that the use of the homegroup in win 7 requirs that al the pc's in the network need win 7
is it possible to make a home network with 2x XP computers and a Win 7 ??
thanks for the help ;-)
It's certainly possible and I and from reading several others in this Forum have already done that. I have a homenetwork with 1 Win 2KSP4,3 WinXP Pro SP3, 2 Win 7 Beta and 2 Linux [1 PC Linux OS 2009 and 1 Parsix Linux 2.0] and all can share Files ( Data, Music, Video) from each other and also Printers connected to several of the Computers without any difficulty when the Printers are made to share. I had to make all computers to have the same Workgroup name and have same Login and Password to do that to avoid the prompt for a login name and password.

If you need more detailed help, please feel free to ask for a step by step help.

One point I forgot to add: I have a Wireless Router and I have made a Wireless Homenetwork. It's much easier with Wired Network using a Broaband Router than Wireless.

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How to keep different users separate

This isn't rreally on the same topic as the preceeding one, but I'm so new at this that I don't really know how to go about actually starting a new thread. Hopefully this might be a help to at least some others. Thanks.

I think that I have a basic understanding of how to do a "Same Machine" update other than with this. There are two users of this computer, each with separate sites.It happens that each of us have rather extensive Outlook and Word files that I would really like to keep for ourselves. Will this happen automatically when using the Easy Transfer? If not, how could that separation be maintained. Further, will it be adequate to store a system image on an external USB hard drive? It is a 160GB Western Digital MyBook, which I have formatted so that there shouldn't be any conflicting files.Everything else in the computer can be shared, but I really would like to keep the Office files including addresses separated. That is Office 2007. It was so easy and straightforward to install the Beta - I sure wish that this could go as smoothly. That time everything reappeared as separate as it had been in Vista, and I sure wish that it could be that way again. Like I said, nothing else has much of a need for separation - the other user basically only uses the Outlook and Word, but it would be a great loss for both of us to either lose things or end up with everything scrambled. I will be downloading the W7 RC program as soon as it is generally available, and see no problem with burning the ISO to a DVD. By the way, will the W7 material fit onto a single DVD? I haven't been able to find any blank Blu-Ray disks , so I hope that such capacity won't be needed.

Is the new IE8 supposed to work any bertter than the version that came with the Beta? I sure hope so beaus my IE8 has been getting annoyingly cantankerous, and frequently just freezes up for no apparent reason. I was very disappointed to find that the publicly available IE8 wouldn't work with W7. Please be sure that you mark on your reply that I want to be emailed when it is posted. Thanks. Chuck E

This isn't rreally on the same topic as the preceeding one, but I'm so new at this that I don't really know how to go about actually starting a new thread. Hopefully this might be a help to at least some others. Thanks.

I think that I have a basic understanding of how to do a "Same Machine" update other than with this. There are two users of this computer, each with separate sites.It happens that each of us have rather extensive Outlook and Word files that I would really like to keep for ourselves. Will this happen automatically when using the Easy Transfer? If not, how could that separation be maintained. Further, will it be adequate to store a system image on an external USB hard drive? It is a 160GB Western Digital MyBook, which I have formatted so that there shouldn't be any conflicting files.Everything else in the computer can be shared, but I really would like to keep the Office files including addresses separated. That is Office 2007. It was so easy and straightforward to install the Beta - I sure wish that this could go as smoothly. That time everything reappeared as separate as it had been in Vista, and I sure wish that it could be that way again. Like I said, nothing else has much of a need for separation - the other user basically only uses the Outlook and Word, but it would be a great loss for both of us to either lose things or end up with everything scrambled. I will be downloading the W7 RC program as soon as it is generally available, and see no problem with burning the ISO to a DVD. By the way, will the W7 material fit onto a single DVD? I haven't been able to find any blank Blu-Ray disks , so I hope that such capacity won't be needed.

Is the new IE8 supposed to work any bertter than the version that came with the Beta? I sure hope so beaus my IE8 has been getting annoyingly cantankerous, and frequently just freezes up for no apparent reason. I was very disappointed to find that the publicly available IE8 wouldn't work with W7. Please be sure that you mark on your reply that I want to be emailed when it is posted. Thanks. Chuck E

I am aware of Windows Easy Transfer application in Win 7 ( Start> All Programs> Accessorises>System Tools>Windows Easy Transfer ) but have not used it as I have not saved a lot of files (Ex: Word. Docs or POP.Mails) in these "test" PCs. I feel pretty confident Win 7 RC should perform as well as any of its Best Beta Builds if not better.

I beleive you have to do the Windows Easy Transfer separately from each of the 2 accounts you have setup in this machine.
My guess is that the 160GB USB Hard drive should easily accomodate these and you may verify the size of the files before trasnsfer, just to be sure.
The Size of Win RC Build 7100 is 2.35 GB to 3.04GB ( X32 vs X64) and are easily burned in DVDs just like the BETAS.

Your IE8'sstrange behavior could be from Malware (spyware) or the pesky 3rd party Browser Add-ons. You may run an Antimalware program to rule out or remove existing Malware (Ex: Malwarebyte's AntiMalware -Freeware) and check the IE8 : Click Tools> Manage Add-ons > select the bad ones > Disable

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your reply

Thanks for your reply. Now all I have to do is try to figure out how one is supposed to use the Transfer for the two user accounts. As to the strange behavior of IE8, I have Norton 360 v.3 so I think any malware should be taken care of. Maybe the new version will be better from the get-go. It is nice to know that the ISO will fit on one DVD. I think I'll go ahead and download/burn it around the 5th or as soon as it can be downloaded, but try to get the system image stored before I actually try to install it. I sure hope that the EasyTransfer really will work. I'll try to use it twice to keep things separate.

Thanks for your reply. Now all I have to do is try to figure out how one is supposed to use the Transfer for the two user accounts. As to the strange behavior of IE8, I have Norton 360 v.3 so I think any malware should be taken care of. Maybe the new version will be better from the get-go. It is nice to know that the ISO will fit on one DVD. I think I'll go ahead and download/burn it around the 5th or as soon as it can be downloaded, but try to get the system image stored before I actually try to install it. I sure hope that the EasyTransfer really will work. I'll try to use it twice to keep things separate.
If you want you can do a trial run of Windows Easy Transfer now to your USB HDD. The Wizard is very "friendly" and effects pretty much automatic transfer once you browse to the file location for transfer. You may check this :Link Removed

I am not a big Fan of Norton since it became bloated and unfriendly after 2006 and it at times acts like a Malware! If it gets corrupted it not only causes a lot of problems but resists any attempt to uninstall using Control Panel. Your mileage may be different:)

It is an excellent idea to make current system Image in the event something unexpected happens with the new installation on your working system and you want to restore it in a hurry. Windows 7 itself gives a tool to do that I guess but since I have always used Clean Install I am not sure.

If you have a home network, turn on the File Sharing in the Networking and Sharing Centre. If you have users with passwords, you should set up similar accounts on each computer - otherwise turn OFF 'Password Protected Sharing'.

Make sure that you drives/partitions or folders that you wish to share have sharing turned on. To do this, right click on say a partition, choose 'Sharing' from the properties page and then click on Advanced Sharing - tick the 'Share this folder' check box and then give it a name which represents the contents of the partition. Generall I then click on the 'Permissions' button and you should see 'Everyone' in the Group or user names box, highlight that and then set the permission for 'Everyone' in the box below (I generally set Everyone to Full Control - but I am the only person who has access to the computer, your own scenario might require a different set of permissions.

Next, go to the Security tab in the properties dialog box - under the 'Group or usernames' box, click on the 'Edit' button - in the next dialog box that opens click the 'Add' button - in the lowest box ('Enter the object names to select') type in 'Everyone' (make sure it is Everyone and not Everybody), then click on the 'OK' button. In the previous dialog box, you should now see 'Everyone' listed in the filed box for 'Group or user names' - highlight Everyone and set the permissions, then click the 'OK' button.

That partition should now be shared on the network.
