
Senior Member
May 20, 2009
So i have been using Windows 7 RC. The driver messed up so i reformated my partition and reinstalled.

First time it was all ok. But then I was on it and the graphics messed up. So around windows at the edge and near the window control buttons it was all bits and all that. So i re-formatted again and such.

Then its all fine. I install graphics drivers and such through windows update until restart. I press restart but it idles on logging off and I have to do a hard switch off. Then when it comes on the battery icon is unresponsive and there is no sound icon in the notification area. And shutting down idles as shutting down instead.

I re-formatted the partition but left it and am on vista. What is causing this. When i first installed it dident do it.

Is it because i left the cd in when i installed which could not stop causing the pc to idle or is it because i am running ac power. As it did this once when i booted on ac power.

My PC is a HP-G60.
Your system information you posted isn't quite enough to give you a diagnosis

In order to troubleshoot your problem we need to know more detailed specs of your system hardware.

1. Go to Start > Run, and type msinfo32. then expand the Conmponents tree and choose a device
2. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager and look for any entry that has a yellow flag beside it.
3. Download System Information Viwer
4. Download PC WIZARD 2008
5 Please fill out your computers specs in the User Control Panel here on the site as well. It will then appear next to your name. look at my posting and you'll see the drop-down arrow.