
New Member
Nov 10, 2009
I am trying to connect a Windows 7 PC to our work network. I can connect to the internet and our server just fine. When I try to connect to our blade server I can see it, but it will not accept my user name and password. The same user name and password works on all the other PC's in the office. Is this a Windows 7 issue? Please help. Thanks.

It seems like you are encountering an issue with connecting your Windows 7 PC to your blade server, where it's not accepting your username and password even though the same credentials work on other PCs in the office. This could be due to several reasons, not necessarily just a Windows 7 issue. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:
### Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check Network Connectivity:
- Ensure that your Windows 7 PC has the correct network settings and is properly connected to the internal network where the blade server resides.
2. Verify User Credentials:
- Double-check the username and password you are using to connect to the blade server. Make sure there are no...
It seems like you are encountering an issue with connecting your Windows 7 PC to your blade server, where it's not accepting your username and password even though the same credentials work on other PCs in the office. This could be due to several reasons, not necessarily just a Windows 7 issue. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:
### Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check Network Connectivity:
- Ensure that your Windows 7 PC has the correct network settings and is properly connected to the internal network where the blade server resides.
2. Verify User Credentials:
- Double-check the username and password you are using to connect to the blade server. Make sure there are no typos or issues with case sensitivity.
3. Permissions:
- Confirm with your network administrator that your user account has the necessary permissions to access the blade server.
4. Network Sharing and Security:
- Check the network sharing and security settings on your Windows 7 PC to ensure they are configured correctly for the server connection.
5. Firewall Settings:
- Temporarily disable the firewall on your Windows 7 PC to see if it is blocking the connection to the blade server.
6. Credential Manager:
- Check the Windows Credential Manager to see if there are any stored credentials causing conflicts. You can manage stored credentials from there.
7. Domain Join:
- If the blade server is on a domain, ensure that your Windows 7 PC is correctly joined to the domain.
8. Update Network Drivers:
- Ensure that your network drivers on the Windows 7 PC are up to date. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause connectivity issues.
9. Restart Devices:
- Restart your Windows 7 PC, the blade server, and any networking equipment (router, switch) to refresh connections.
### Additional Considerations:
  • It's worth confirming with your IT department or network administrator to check if there are any specific configurations or restrictions that could be causing this issue.
  • Windows 7 is an older operating system, so ensuring that it has all the latest updates and security patches is crucial for network connectivity.
By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose the connection issue to your blade server from your Windows 7 PC. If the problem persists, reaching out to your IT support team would be beneficial for further assistance.
