Windows 7 Windows 7 OS Disk Space Usage?


New Member
Feb 9, 2010
Hello! I just made a custom-clean installation of Windows 7 Ultimate 64x upon Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and I want to ask the NORMAL disk space usage that Windows 7 OS requires!
Supposed to have a 500Gb Hard Disk!
However, in My Computer shows 465Gb total and after installing some programmes and putting some music...I didn't pay attention at first place (unfortunately)...seems that Windows 7 occupies about 20-22 Gb of Hard Disk just to run... after a rough calculation of my datas' capacity!
Is that normal or somewhere I lost some hard disk capacity?
Thanx in advance!

About 20Gb seems normal.
You can try reducing the size deleting restore points (use "Disk Cleanup" - "more options").
Also check if you have activated hibernation.
About 20Gb seems normal.
You can try reducing the size deleting restore points (use "Disk Cleanup" - "more options").
Also check if you have activated hibernation.

I would say 20gb is about right. I also have a 500gb harddrive which only shows 465gb. With all my other programs I have installed I am using 25gb.

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