Windows 7 Windows 7 Slogans....

What should the marketing slogans for Windows 7 be?

  • It's not Vista, Really!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Vista, but better.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Better then Windows ME.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What Vista should of been.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Operating at the speed of Life.

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
What should be the slogans for Windows 7?

None of the above?
It should be something to state that it's fast, and built around the consumer.
"Operating at the speed of life." or something of the sort.

4 choices, and none with both correct spelling and/or punctuation.

1. It's not Vista, Really
It's not Vista... Really!

2. Vista but better
Vista, but better.

3. Better then Windows ME
Better than Windows ME.

4. What Vista should of been
What Vista should have been.

A slogan?
Lets's see...

How 'bout, "Windows 7 - The best O'ess for the press!"

Anyone tune in for the Daytona 500?
Good race, but Dale Jr. sure made a lot of mistakes.

Dam i did not know we had spelling and/or punctuation cops here .

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None of the above?
It should be something to state that it's fast, and built around the consumer.
"Operating at the speed of life." or something of the sort.

I'm with ya 100% on this one Kyle.. None of the above! "Operating at the speed of Life" is a good one! :) I remember reading an article that had "Windows 7.. It just works." as a potential slogan, their explination was that Win 7 works so good it doesn't need to be explained.. as users will see for themselves how good it is.. but at any rate, the one's in this poll are no good at all.. ;)

Better than ME... hahaha xD "What Vista should of been " sounds good. :razz:

Better than ME is pathetic.. that says nothing good for Win 7... ;)

None of the above?
It should be something to state that it's fast, and built around the consumer.
"Operating at the speed of life." or something of the sort.

Awesome slogan Kyle. I like yours the best.

windows not really version 7 but close enough....
go ahead go to a command prompt and type ver... its really 6.1

windows not really version 7 but close enough....
go ahead go to a command prompt and type ver... its really 6.1

Actually, it's 7, the version number is 6.1 for compatibility reasons.

Actually, it's 7, the version number is 6.1 for compatibility reasons.

you are incorrect, it is version 6.1 and not 7. the only reason ms is using 7 is because of the irrational hatred of Vista. Plus to be version 7 ms needs a greater amount of code revision and newer code as well. 7 is only vista with lipstick. Sure it looks sexier, but you still have all the same issues for people going from xp to vista. You still need newer hardware. The only time microsoft has ever gottten away with making people buy new hardware was with windows 95, because it was such a leap foward, ever since then ms has not taken a big leap like from 3.11 to 95, ms needs to do that again by totally throwing out all code of windows and starting from the ground up like they are with singularity project which is an os that is non windows based. i would love to see ms also have a line of linux based operating systems like how apple does it. Plus perhaps ms should break itself up into hardware (xbox, mice, , OS (windows, linux) and software (office). so do what the government wanted in the first place like att did in 1984 and waite 20 some years and come back together.

plus if you check your logic then windows versions are:

windows 3.0 = 3.0
windows 95 = 4.0
windows 98 = 5.0
windows 98se = 6.0
windows me = 7.0
windows 2000 = 8.0
windows xp = 9.0
windows vista = 10.0 (on par with mac ox /x number)
windows 7 = 11.0

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I was sure I understood all this numbering crap but the most recent posts in this thread have confused the sh!t out of me again so I'll post the screen of Winver from my Windows XP PRO SP3 installation... ;) If Windows 7 ISN'T actually Version 7.1 than why does my Windows XP say it's version 5.1? According to my screen XP is v.5.1 so then Vista would be v.6.1 and Win 7 would in fact be v.7.1..
That only seems to make sense.. or so I thought it did.. someone please explain it so it makes some sense at least... ;)

Here's the screenshot..

Link Removed due to 404 Error

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Come on people let's have a sense of humor here. If you have bought every OS since 3.1 like I have then you have a right to poke a little fun. Why so serious? Personally I like " Windows 7, Finally ". :)
Moosetek13, yes I saw it and as always I'm dissapointed when the weather decides the outcome of any sporting event.

you are incorrect, it is version 6.1 and not 7. the only reason ms is using 7 is because of the irrational hatred of Vista. Plus to be version 7 ms needs a greater amount of code revision and newer code as well. 7 is only vista with lipstick. Sure it looks sexier, but you still have all the same issues for people going from xp to vista. You still need newer hardware. The only time microsoft has ever gottten away with making people buy new hardware was with windows 95, because it was such a leap foward, ever since then ms has not taken a big leap like from 3.11 to 95, ms needs to do that again by totally throwing out all code of windows and starting from the ground up like they are with singularity project which is an os that is non windows based. i would love to see ms also have a line of linux based operating systems like how apple does it. Plus perhaps ms should break itself up into hardware (xbox, mice, , OS (windows, linux) and software (office). so do what the government wanted in the first place like att did in 1984 and waite 20 some years and come back together.

plus if you check your logic then windows versions are:

windows 3.0 = 3.0
windows 95 = 4.0
windows 98 = 5.0
windows 98se = 6.0
windows me = 7.0
windows 2000 = 8.0
windows xp = 9.0
windows vista = 10.0 (on par with mac ox /x number)
windows 7 = 11.0

Actually, it goes Win 1.0, Win 2.0, (Win 3.0, 3.1, 3.11) Then Win 95, 98, 98SE and ME were in the 4.0 strain, 2000 + XP were 5.0 strain, Vista was 6.0 strain, and 7 is 7.0 strain. It is named 6.1 to keep compatibility with Windows Vista-based programs and drivers. This is due to the fact that Microsoft had a lot of feedback on the transition between XP and Vista saying it broke a lot of program compatibility, and they want to fix that.

If you don't believe me about wither of these, site these two links;
Link Removed - Invalid URL
Link Removed - Invalid URL

So there. Stop arguing about it.

Actually, it goes Win 1.0, Win 2.0, (Win 3.0, 3.1, 3.11) Then Win 95, 98, 98SE and ME were in the 4.0 strain, 2000 + XP were 5.0 strain, Vista was 6.0 strain, and 7 is 7.0 strain. It is named 6.1 to keep compatibility with Windows Vista-based programs and drivers. This is due to the fact that Microsoft had a lot of feedback on the transition between XP and Vista saying it broke a lot of program compatibility, and they want to fix that.

If you don't believe me about wither of these, site these two links;
Microsoft explains \"7\" naming convention
Windows 7 Needs to Be Windows 6.1 - Due to compatibility issues - Softpedia

So there. Stop arguing about it.

Thank You Kyle.. that cleared it up for me. I understand it now.. :) Thanks again!

Actually, it goes Win 1.0, Win 2.0, (Win 3.0, 3.1, 3.11) Then Win 95, 98, 98SE and ME were in the 4.0 strain, 2000 + XP were 5.0 strain, Vista was 6.0 strain, and 7 is 7.0 strain. It is named 6.1 to keep compatibility with Windows Vista-based programs and drivers. This is due to the fact that Microsoft had a lot of feedback on the transition between XP and Vista saying it broke a lot of program compatibility, and they want to fix that.

If you don't believe me about wither of these, site these two links;
Microsoft explains \"7\" naming convention
Windows 7 Needs to Be Windows 6.1 - Due to compatibility issues - Softpedia

So there. Stop arguing about it.

i love 7 and think that 7 is what vista should have been......

Microsoft wants to do if for no other reason than distance from shorthand Vista.

Bottom line: So far, Windows 7 looks, behaves, and performs almost exactly like Windows Vista. And it breaks all sorts of things that used to work just fine under Vista. In other words, Microsoft's follow-up to Link Removed due to 404 Error threatens to deliver zero measurable performance benefits while introducing new and potentially crippling compatibility issues. Link Removed
