Windows IoT, Galileo, Azure, Event Hubs and Stream Analytics


Extraordinary Robot
There have been a number of comments asking for more IoT and cloud/Azure posts. So when I stumbled across Vinoth's blog and his lastest post, I knew I found a winner. Also make sure you check out the rest of his posts too... :)

Windows IoT on Galileo – Using Event Hubs and Stream Analytics

This blogs explains you on how to access Azure Event hubs from Galileo integrated with Adafruit 10-DOF IMU sensor board and using Azure stream Analytics to pipeline the sensor data stream to Azure storage services.


Integrating Adafruit 10-DOF IMU with Galileo

· Refer the below blog post.

Creating Azure Service Bus Event hub

  • Refer Event hub getting started document , follow the steps up to 6.
  • Follow the step 6 and Create a policy named “manage policy” with manage, send and listen rights.
  • Follow the step 7 to copy the access connection string for “manage policy”.
  • Click the Consumer group tab next to configure and Click CREATE at the bottom of the page and supply a Consumer Group Name in the Create a Consumer Group dialog. This will be used when you configuring stream analytics for this event hub.

Create an Azure Storage account

This sample application requires an Azure Storage account or a storage emulator for maintaining the application state. You can use an existing Storage account or follow the steps below to create one:


Creating Azure Stream Analytics job


Building the Galileo Wiring Application

  • Create a “Galileo Wiring App” solution, let’s named as “GalileoEventhub”. You can download it from the below codeplex link.
  • Main.cpp contains integrated source code that can access the Adafruit sensors and send the data to Azure Service bus Eventhub from Galileo. Please refer the above listed blogs to know more about the Adafruit sensor integration.


  • Build the application and run it on Galileo.
  • You can see the data in the Azure storage table as created above through stream Analytics. Below picture shows the data on the Azure storage table using Azure storage explorer application.

[Click through for the complete post]

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