
New Member
Oct 22, 2009

I notice Live Mail has the summary Quick Views such as "All inbox" and All sent items", but nothing like "All deleted items". I have multiple email accounts and currently in order to permanently delete from these accounts I need to visit their deleted areas one by one.

Is there any way to do a permanent delete for all accounts in one action? Could do it in my old Outlook Express so would be surprised if it's not possible with this latest superstar that is Live Mail.

Welcome to win7forums. : )

Is there any way to do a permanent delete for all accounts in one action?
Will this not do: in the message list of each account, hold down the CTRL key and click the messages you want to delete ?
Welcome to win7forums. : )

Is there any way to do a permanent delete for all accounts in one action?
Will this not do: in the message list of each account, hold down the CTRL key and click the messages you want to delete ?
Well, the idea was not to access each account one at a time. So I'm looking for something like "All deleted items > right-click > delete". I thought this would be an easy one. Can't believe they've removed it in going from Outlook Express to Live Mail. Sigh.