
Mar 25, 2006
I write & read in several tech forums & it leads me to the following...

To all those switching their existing, current, non-beta, 'daily driver' Operating Systems on their computer, to BOTH those who have done it or are considering doing this w/ Windows8... WRONG!! Windows8, whether CP (Consumer Preview) or Beta1 OR Windows8 RP (Release Preview) or Beta2, being released in early June are BETAS. NO beta OS should ever be installed & or used on a production machine.

This is being done over & over & it is WRONG!!

A beta OS can only be run, for test purposes, as a dual-boot, on a spare box or as a virtual machine. A beta OS can never be run as one's only OS on one's only computer!

Until the final release of Windows8 in October DO NOT throw your present OS away, replacing it w/ a beta version of (in this case) Windows8!

Many ppl are doing this & it is WRONG!!


I have windows 8 as my only operating system and its fantastic. I have all my important stuff backed up on thumb drives etc. If it fails or stuffs up in any way I can always format and re install win 7 . No probs... i..Love Windows 8 ;)

Cool, & cool that you like Windows8. But, notice you DO have everything backed-up AND you DO have a way to revert back to Windows7. The 'warning' is in regard to Folks who do not know enough to have that scenario & back themselves into a corner.

And you omitted 'expire'. Even if nothing goes awry, betas expire. Many ppl create a situation where they will have nothing when that happens.

I'm impressed w/ Windows8, too.


As soon as Windows 8 is put out for purchase I will buy it. So technically speaking I will not have to go without it from now on as it will be available to buy before the Consumer preview expires next year.

Understood but, in the meantime are you running the pre-release betas as your only OS on your 1 & only machine?


I have two hard discs. One with Windows 8 Consumer Preview on it and one with windows 7 Home Premium on it. The Hard disc with Windows 8 on it is installed on my laptop. If anything happens to that I would just take out the entire Hd and put in the one with Win 7 on it. But I cant see anything major happening. Its a solid Operating System and is compatible with all my stuff. As soon as its released I'm a buyer. I Love it.

Right on. And I can appreciate your enthusiastic attitude towards Windows8... lots impressive about it. And compatibility is, certainly, one of its (many) strong points.

