
New Member
Jan 15, 2009
Hi ... I have 4 hard drives install on my computer , what I have done is basically installed windows 2000, xp and 7 on separate hard drives , each windows was done on itself without any other hard drive install . So basically one hard drive listed in the bios for each windows , yes I know I have an extra drive . So my question now is when I hook up all the hard drives together will I be able just to select from the bios screen which drive I want to load ? In other words I want to be able to go back and forward in the bios screen and choose which Windows I want to load . Will this work ? Thanks

You should dual-boot, you will have theabilitlyt to choose the screen at bootthis is the first time I;ev heard of upgrading from Windows 200,.Persomally I would purchase another hard drive and 'perform s 'clean' install of Windows 7 on the hard drive .

Is this student or OEM disk?

Hi ... Each windows version was done clean on its own hard drive , there wasn't no upgrading . I have windows 2000 on one drive and xp on another and 7 on another drive with a separate drive for data . I can see each drives in the bios screen and I figure if I choose which one I want to load it will load that windows version , yes or no ? Thanks

PS : Is this student or oem version ? = neither

What OS was insatlled last?

What OS was insatlled last?

XP was, but just curious as to why it would matter ? Each installment was done clean with only one hard drive intact at the time of the installment , Again for each installment of Windows there was only the drive itself were windows got installed , then later I added the rest of the drives together were I am able to see 4 drives in the bios screen .

It's best to install Windows 7 last, so you don;t have any problems with the boot order or boot screen for your chooses,

XP was, but just curious as to why it would matter ? Each installment was done clean with only one hard drive intact at the time of the installment , Again for each installment of Windows there was only the drive itself were windows got installed , then later I added the rest of the drives together were I am able to see 4 drives in the bios screen .

I see your point, let's hope it works out for him
