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Windows 10 Yoda's Spell Checker?


Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

I was writing an article in Microsoft word and ran the spell checker to see if I had made any errors.
This was the response...

Misspell Checker.JPG

With checking like this. who needs to Skewle go?

I tried to reproduce it, but the only suggestion I got in my Office 365 was adding a question mark....
Yeah, I did add the question mark, the funny thing is that other than this it seemed to do fine.

I moved to word to type this when I realized that in my open office install the spelling and grammer checking doesn't seem to be working at all.

No matter what I typed it said there were no errors.

I'm going to remove and reinstall it tomorrow and see if that fixes it.
Yeah, I did add the question mark, the funny thing is that other than this it seemed to do fine.

I moved to word to type this when I realized that in my open office install the spelling and grammer checking doesn't seem to be working at all.

No matter what I typed it said there were no errors.

I'm going to remove and reinstall it tomorrow and see if that fixes it.

My tablet on the other hand will change what I write and when I correct it it will change it back again.

This may happen several times before it gives up.
The weird response happened in Microsoft Word, the program that doesn't seem to be checking at all is...

Download Apache OpenOffice

It has worked fine in the past, I'm going to re download and reinstall it when I get on my PC.
I wonder, was it an old and now unsupported version? It looks old to me.
Yes it's Word 2003, I've used it for years.