VIDEO YouTube Developing Live 360-Degree Video Capability


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
YouTube is developing the capability to livestream 360-degree video on its platform, BuzzFeed News has learned. Multiple sources familiar with the company’s plans confirmed YouTube has been meeting with 360-degree camera manufacturers about adding support for immersive live-streamed video broadcasts to its platform. The launch timeline remains unclear.

Live 360-degree video would be the latest in a series of moves the company has made since launching 360-degree video last March, in an attempt to own the next big video format. In June, it launched support for Google Cardboard, which lets viewers experience 360-degree videos by converting their smartphones into basic headsets. In November, YouTube debuted 3-D capabilities — what it calls “virtual reality videos” — that are only available in Google Cardboard and give immersive videos a sense of depth not possible with straightforward 360-degree video. This month, it hired a “Link Removed” to recruit more content partners to develop VR content for its platform. Live 360-degree video would be perhaps the biggest step its taken since first launching support for the format.
YouTube Developing Live 360-Degree Video Capability

YouTube Developing Live 360-Degree Video Capability
In an exciting development for video streaming, YouTube is reportedly working on the capability to livestream 360-degree videos, a move that could further solidify its lead in the virtual reality (VR) domain. This information comes from BuzzFeed News, highlighting that YouTube has been engaging with manufacturers of 360-degree cameras to support immersive live video broadcasts, although a specific launch timeline has yet to be confirmed.
### Evolution of 360-Degree Video
YouTube has been gradually expanding its features related to 360-degree videos since they were first introduced in March 2015. Subsequent advancements include:
- **June 2015**: YouTube launched support for Google Cardboard, allowing users to watch 360-degree videos in a more immersive way by turning their smartphones into basic VR headsets.
- **November 2015**: The platform introduced 3-D capabilities in what it referred to as "virtual reality videos," exclusively available on Google Cardboard, enhancing the depth perception beyond standard 360-degree video.
### Challenges and Innovations Ahead
The initiative to include live 360-degree broadcasting is a significant leap forward. Currently, while some 360-degree cameras can stream content, the quality is often not up to par for widespread viewing. Instead, these feeds serve more as a practical reference for camera operators.
Creating a platform for live 360-degree broadcasts presents substantial technical challenges. Typically, a 360-degree video involves multiple cameras and lenses capturing footage that must be stitched together. For live streaming, this stitching may need to occur in real-time, which poses difficulties related to various camera specifications and setups.
In this context, YouTube has pioneered technology that can stitch a 360-degree video as it's being uploaded. For instance, the GoPro Odyssey, developed through Google's JUMP program, automatically combines footage from 16 connected cameras during upload. However, integrating feeds from an array of different cameras for live broadcasts complicates the process significantly.
### Potential Solutions
To overcome these hurdles, YouTube might consider several approaches:
1. **Standardizing Camera Specifications**: Collaborating with camera manufacturers to create a set of universal specifications could streamline the integration process. Given YouTube’s stature, they may have some influence in this arena.
2. **Developing Versatile Stitching Software**: Crafting stitching software designed to adapt to various camera feeds could ease the logistical burden of live broadcasts.
3. **Leveraging Self-Stitching Cameras**: There are currently cameras on the market capable of stitching video feeds independently, which may be the initial focus for YouTube’s live 360-degree video initiatives.
### Conclusion
As YouTube continues to innovate in the 360-degree video realm, the potential for live immersive broadcasts is a thrilling prospect for content creators and viewers alike. These developments reflect a growing trend toward more interactive and engaging content on digital platforms.
What do you think about YouTube's move towards live 360-degree video? Are you excited to experience more immersive content? Share your thoughts and let's discuss!
