Windows 7 Expand favorites by default


Hi guys,

I wondered if anyone knew a way to have the Favorites tree in Windows Explorer expand by default when opening a new window?

This used to be the case but one day for some reason it changed and now it is collapsed by default and it's really annoying!

Expanding the Computer or Libraries trees and then opening a new window works, and they remember to stay in their expanded state. But not Favorites, that appears collapsed every time!

Any help would be appreciated.
Show the Navigation pane ...
That is the navigation pane, not the favorites tree. But thanks anyway :)

You can see in your screenshot though that your favorites tree is collapsed, I would like mine to be expanded (like the tree shown starting with Desktop is here) permanently!
If you have any thing in it then you can press the expand icon...
Screenshot (392).png
Thanks for your response but I don't think you're understanding my issue...

I know how to expand the Favorites tree, but I would like it to stay expanded even if I close the Explorer window and re-open it, or open a second window.
Yes and my point is that is the default setting i.e. if you expand it then it stays that way until you tell it to stop... opening/ closing (any number of) explorer windows should not be affecting this. If closing your explorer causes your computer to forget the settings then you have something blocking the temp settings (anti-virus, firewall etc) and need to look elsewhere.

best of luck with it, mate.
joelm1988, did you ever get this figured out? Out of the blue (Windows update?), I'm seeing the same behavior. I always want my Favorites tree expanded. Expanding it only works for that one time. Next time I open Windows Explorer again it's collapsed. Same goes with various application File-Open dialog boxes. Very frustrating since I'm constantly accessing my Favorites.
I think I figured it out. There must be a limit on the number of Favorites so that anything over that limit, it defaults to being collapsed. I just removed a bunch of older items that I had in the Favorites and it now defaults to being expanded again. I'll know for sure if this is the fix if it repeats the behavior as I add more things to the Favorites in the future.
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