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Windows 10 Windows 10 newest update

Glad you solved it! :up: You should know that if you attempted to upgrade from W10 v1511 to v1607; this type of thing is not uncommon. If you search on the Anniversary Update thread; there are now like 4 of them on this forum, you will see that so far out of the thousands of people getting this new September AU update, only 1 person I know had the update go in smoothly without issue. Microsoft is aware of the problem and seems to be fixing it. As of the August 2nd v1607AU release date, the first 6 weeks or so, the AU update wasn't even being pushed out to anyone (though we have a few appearances where it appeared that the AU came into people's computers and scrambled them; including a couple of my Clients). Now that's it's being pushed out, we expect this sort of thing to continue to happen, especially if people are using 3rd party applets such as you did with your dark theme thing.

I keep doing sfc and chkdsk /f and both say that there are errors. And both say that they can't fix them. I've not attempted to downgrade. With XP you could see/review the updates. Now they just shove them down your throat. Like they did for the upgrade to 10.
Yup. That's part of the price you have to pay to be on the new W10 paradigm. As far as the sfc and chkdsk goes, if you continue to get errors, then you may have a faulty hard drive. Have you done complete drive testing yet? Here's the link to do so: Link Removed.
You can look at the chart John has in his testing link, but run SEATOOLS or DLG if you can; some drives require special testing diagnostics such as Toshiba, Fujitsue, as do SSD drives. If you run both short and long tests on your bootdrive and the test returns any errors on either test, your drive has failed and must be replaced!:waah: This is true even if you bought that bootdrive yesterday.:(

Failure of either or especially both sfc and chkdsk are pretty good indicators that your drive is failing or has failed. :waah: If you run drive diagnostics as instructed using the above link and the diagnostic returns errors; you can be 99% sure your drive is toast.:waah:

A good way to validate this, is to purchase a brand new bootdrive from ebay or amazon or newegg and do a Clean Install of W10. Once you do that, you should be able to run both sfc and chkdsk (not in that order) to completion without errors. Those tests are there for a reason, and the reason is that hard drives can an do fail. Replacement of your existing drive will confirm this hypothesis to 100% certainty.

Well....................... drive is a Seagate. I downloaded SeaTools, but there's an issue. It starts scanning for drives. When it scans for USB drives, it just sits there. And 20 minutes later it's still sitting there. I killed it (Task Manager) and unplugged all my USB drives. Then started it again. Same thing. Hits scan for USB and sat there.
I guess it's time for the 16lb sledgehammer. Beat the damn thing flat and toss in the dumpster. Absolutely no program I've tried will test the drive. Half of them won't even show the options for testing the drive. There is no option of taking it to a shop. I can not afford it.
I guess it's time for the 16lb sledgehammer. Beat the damn thing flat and toss in the dumpster. Absolutely no program I've tried will test the drive. Half of them won't even show the options for testing the drive. There is no option of taking it to a shop. I can not afford it.
Run DISM with a copy of Windows 10 Anniversary Update as explained in post #17
I guess nobody's getting where I'm coming from. I'm 10 months into a bad run of depression with the last 6 weeks being suicidal. My brain refuses to work. I can not comprehend the simplest things right now. Might as well be trying to tell me how to administer an MRI. I downloaded the media creation tool. Ran it, then get the screen:


OK, do I choose Upgrade this PC or Create installation media for another PC?

And now the latest, sfc hits 49% and says that it can't complete. I download SeaTools to check the drive and when it gets to scanning for USB drives, it sits there. Half hour later, it's still sitting there. I stoped it via Task Manager, unplugged all my USB drives and ran it again. Same story.

Know not a soul that I could pull this drive out and do a temp install (as a 2nd drive in their system) to test it.
Glad you solved it! :up: You should know that if you attempted to upgrade from W10 v1511 to v1607; this type of thing is not uncommon. If you search on the Anniversary Update thread; there are now like 4 of them on this forum, you will see that so far out of the thousands of people getting this new September AU update, only 1 person I know had the update go in smoothly without issue. Microsoft is aware of the problem and seems to be fixing it. As of the August 2nd v1607AU release date, the first 6 weeks or so, the AU update wasn't even being pushed out to anyone (though we have a few appearances where it appeared that the AU came into people's computers and scrambled them; including a couple of my Clients). Now that's it's being pushed out, we expect this sort of thing to continue to happen, especially if people are using 3rd party applets such as you did with your dark theme thing.

Hi yes all 8 of my system laptops that I look after all upgrade ok from 1151 to 1607, but then again I have no 3rd party apps apart from my printer.
All are running Windows Defender and Firewall. Did not even have to reset or update the drivers for the printer as Windows found them for me and did what was needed.
Here's the deal; we've given you all the tools you need to do the repair. Your Seagate drive appears to be toast!:waah: You can replace it for probably under $70 on ebay or amazon or newegg. That's still cheaper than a $100 or more trip to the repair shop. Stop angsting over it! Replace your hard drive or junk the computer!:andwhat: Your choice, bro'!'

You never gave us specs on the computer you are using so we have no idea how old your hardware is. The thing to realize is whether your computer is 5 years old or 10 years old, hard drives are only designed to last for 3 years in Desktop PCs and only 2 years in laptops! :headache: If you've had your computer with this problem for more than 3 years AND YOU'VE NEVER PREVIOUSLY REPLACED THE ORIGINAL HARD DRIVE THAT CAME INSIDE THAT COMPUTER, that hard drive is 90% likely to be failing or completely failed.:wound: Yours appears to be somewhere in the middle. You can still use it for W10, albeit you are getting some weird stuff on the AU update; but as I said in detail, that's not your computer or your hard drive's fault, but it certainly could be contributing to the problem. Bottom line here is that W10 doesn't like hardware built before 2009, and if your computer was built before 2006 you are just wasting your time and ours. If your computer is built in 2009 or newer, Microsoft considers this a "modern-era" computer and W10 in almost all cases we've seen will run fine on it--notwithstanding faulty components such as RAM sticks and Hard Drives.

You've got some thinking to do, and here's a hammer for you just in case: :die:

Have a good week,:cool: