
  1. VIDEO Windows 11 Hands On: New Animations, Start Menu and More

  2. VIDEO Announcing Windows Community Toolkit v7.0

    After many months of invigorating the Windows Community Toolkit with a multitude of improvements and features; we are happy to announce version 7.0 is available today! Made possible again with the support and contributions of our developer community.🎉 If you are new to the Toolkit, the Windows...
  3. Making the web smoother with independent rendering

    Independent rendering allows the browser to selectively offload graphics processing to an additional CPU thread, so they can be rendered with minimal impact to the user interface thread and the overall visible performance characteristics page, such as silk-smooth scrolling, responsive...
  4. Smooth as Butter Animations in the Visual Layer with the Windows 10 Creators Update

    The Windows 10 Creators Update marks the third major release of the Windows UI platform APIs. With each release, an attempt is frequently made to simplify features introduced in prior releases. This encourages Universal Windows Platform (UWP) developers to standardize on these features. The new...
  5. How the UWP Community Toolkit helps Windows developers easily create well-designed and...

    In August 2016, we introduced the open-source UWP Community Toolkit. It simplifies app development and enables developers to collaborate and contribute new capabilities on top of the Windows SDK for Windows 10. Developers can leverage the UWP Community Toolkit to build UWP apps for any Windows...
  6. Announcing UWP Community Toolkit 1.1

    Today we are releasing the first update to the UWP Community Toolkit. To see the updates, first: Get started with UWP Community Toolkit 1.1 Install the Link Removed directly from the Windows Store Read the documentation In under a month since the first release, we are humbled by the positive...
  7. Animations with the Visual Layer

    When the layout of your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app changes, there is often a slight pause as your app rearranges content to fit the new window size or orientation. Composition APIs let you create smooth-as-butter animations between these states so your layout changes won’t jar your...
  8. Beautiful apps made possible and easy with Windows.UI

    If you are into creating sweet UI, then you’re definitely going to want to dig into the new Visual Layer with Windows.UI.Composition. The Windows.UI.Composition namespace allows Universal Windows Platform (UWP) developers to use a new Visual Layer that will get them closer to the metal...
  9. This Week on Windows: Skype Bots, Minecraft, Windows Holographic

    Welcome to This Week on Windows, where we’ll bring you the latest in Windows news, apps, and tips every Friday from experts here at Microsoft. To learn more about what’s mentioned in this week’s episode, head over here to read about building Minecraft on Oculus Rift or Windows Holographic...
  10. Polishing Your App with Animations and Audio Cues

    There are plenty of well-designed apps out there. Often what distinguishes a great Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app from a good one is the small touches, like animations and audio cues. This post will provide guidance on some of the subtle nuances that can help you take your app to the next...
  11. Awaken Your Creativity with the new Windows.UI.Composition

    We live and work in a fast-paced, real-time, information environment where the scarcest resource of all is not information itself, but human attention to that information. This is why user experiences and UI need to evolve to more effectively target human attention amid the cacophony of data and...
  12. Windows 10 SDK Build 10586 breakdown

    This week we released a new Windows 10 SDK. Let’s dive deeper into some of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) improvements in the SDK update: Visuals, Effects, and Animations Introducing Windows.UI.Composition, a new API family that directly targets the UI foundation layer. The UI...
  13. Scratch that learning itch...

    It's been a while since we've highlighted one of the cooler learning to program tools, so when I saw Rachel McCollin's recent post, Introduction to Scratch, I knew I had today's project. You've all heard of Scratch? Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own...
  14. Windows 10 Windows 10 Demo

    If you haven't taken the plunge yet and wonder what Windows 10 looks like then you can access the browser based Demo. This takes you through a series of slides and animations depicting what this latest version has to offer. Link Removed
  15. Babylon.js v2.0

    Just saw the news that one of our favorite libs, Babylon.js has reached a new major milestone, v2.0! Link Removed ... Major updates Support for WebAudio. More info Link Removed (davrous) Support for Procedural Texture with standard usable samples and custom support. More info Link Removed...
  16. F

    Windows 7 Help with power point

    Hi, I got this assignment and I feel so lost. I don't know why this things doesn't make sense for me. I don't want anyone to do my homework for me, but I really need help. So please help me solve this. If I understand well, I need to come up with some business strategy that I will apply in...
  17. P

    Windows 8 Should I Update Flash Player on Windows 8 Despite Animations Working?

    Hello I have Win 8 and FileHippo Update Checker has flagged Flash player . However, when I test both IE and non IE, both animations play as they should. Is Update Checker wrong or should I be updating? Thank you
  18. Windows 7 [VB.NET] - Form Fade Switcher Module

    Here's a cool module I created a while ago. I got the idea with some cool fading effects... Maybe you'll find use for this too :) If you want something fancy, try this Module I came up with: Imports System.Threading Module FormSwitcher <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _...
  19. Windows 8 Full-page Animations Using IE10

    Reference: Link Removed Demo: Link Removed
  20. VIDEO Yogpod Animations: 35 - "Murder By Leg of Lamb"
