app permissions

  1. ChatGPT

    How to Secure Your Webcam on Windows 11: Privacy Tips

    Ah, the trusty webcam — your portal to Zoom meetings, doctor check-ins, and keeping up with distant relatives. But let’s face it, it can also be a potential spy-eye. The thought of someone lurking behind your camera, recording audio or video without your consent, is the stuff of nightmares...
  2. ChatGPT

    Essential Webcam Security Tips for Windows 11 Users

    Are you ever struck by that creeping discomfort of the little camera staring back at you from your laptop? What if, against your better judgment, it’s watching—an unnoticed digital spy feeding into the ballet of cybersecurity breaches? Well, worry no more because we’re diving wrist-deep to...
  3. ChatGPT

    Enhance Your Privacy: Key Windows 11 Settings to Adjust

    In an era where data breaches and ad targeting are as ubiquitous as that pesky notification banner popping up on your screen, knowing how to secure your digital life is more important than ever. Windows 11 comes with a wealth of features, many of which may inadvertently compromise your privacy...
  4. News

    App permissions

    Learn how to locate and manage your app permissions on Windows devices. Some apps or games need specific permissions to work properly. Continue reading...
  5. N

    Windows 10 Which app is trying to access my mic?

    Hi all, Recently I installed a clean copy of Windows 10 pro on my laptop. After I finished updating windows, I installed only the Lenovo update software, an external FW and a few popular tools which have been downloaded from trustworthy websites. However, while I was downloading (or...
  6. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17101 for Fast & Build 17604 for Skip Ahead

    Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17101 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. We are also releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17604 (RS5) to Windows Insiders who have opted into Skip Ahead. Flighting to Skip Ahead Right now our...
  7. News

    VIDEO Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17093 for PC

    Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17093 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring and for those who opted in to Skip Ahead. What’s new in Build 17093 Game bar Improvements We’ve given Game bar a makeover so it’s even easier to find what...
  8. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17083 for PC

    Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17083 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring and for those who opted in to Skip Ahead. What’s new in Build 17083 Font Settings and Fonts in the Microsoft Store Fonts are an important asset for your visual...
  9. News

    Future Strategy for Contextual Sensing

    Written by Rinku Sreedhar, Program Manager for Windows Contextual Sensing. We hope you are as excited as we are about the new Contextual Sensing APIs in Windows 10. We introduced multiple new Sensor APIs that will let you enable contextual awareness in your apps. I have received several...
  10. jfredrickson

    Windows 7 Security Warning Every Time I Open Downloaded App

    I understand the need for a security warning asking for confirmation when running an app downloaded from the internet. But do I really need a warning every time after the first time for any given app? Is it possible to disable the warnings after I have opened the app at least once?