application switching

  1. C

    Windows 10 Navigating Between Apps / Windows Behavior Changed - Due to Updates?

    About 2-3 months ago all of the sudden my Windows 10 started behaving very differently and I'm not sure if it is something that Microsoft forced on me after an update or I inadvertently changed something. Basically the way you switch between applications changed in that I can no longer just...
  2. whoosh

    Windows 7 custimize the windows 7 task switcher

    I’m sure you are familiar with the Windows 7 task switcher, which has been around since Windows XP. To access it you simply press Alt+Tab and use them to cycle through programs that our currently open. Then in Windows Vista we saw an additional feature which is essentially the same thing but it...
  3. T

    Windows 7 User Interface problem with new Taskbar

    The new taskbar has some great features, Aero Peek and Jump Lists are two things I really like. However, here is the big problem lets say I have a few chat windows open and they're all hidden behind another window (lets say Firefox) If someone sends me a message the chat icon flashes to...