arabic language

  1. M

    Windows 7 I need to solve makes the Notepad in Windows 7 deals with hyphen such as Notepad in Windows xp

    We are in Saudi Arabia and we use Arabic calendar. We use database application and view date as text like that '25-09-1432' In windows xp this text appear '25-09-1432' if you use left to right direction and appear '1432-09-25' if you use right to left direction The problem in win 7 now this...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Arabic language with win 7: Problem

    Hi all, I was installd Windows 7 Ultimate from 1 month and i use the english is the first language and arabic is the second, and the most programs worked fine with arabic after i updated the arabic language pack. But there are some programs not worked with arabic such as this program...