
  1. S

    Windows 7 IE8 Italics

    I am having a really annoying problem with IE8 and Windows 7. All of the text in my IE8 window is in italics! I think the cause may be that somehow my Arial.ttf got removed from my fonts folder? Attached is a screenshot of my install Arial fonts. Are these all I should have or am I missing one...
  2. Elmer

    Windows 7 Aero Arial theme - Downloadable

    OK. Nothing exciting here! Some people have issues with Segoe UI as the system default font. So. Link Removed due to 404 Error At a friends request I made an Aero Arial.msstyles. No bells. No whistles. What you'll get is the bog standard Windows 7 Aero theme, but with all the system Segoe UI...
  3. K

    Windows 7 Windows 7 64-bit - Fonts Not Shown

    I received my laptop yesterday - Core i5, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I proceeded to install some apps from Microsoft and Adobe. Installation went fine and the apps started without problems. As soon as I saw the long list of fonts in Word, I wanted to remove as many of them as I...
  4. S

    Windows 7 OS fonts

    Hello everybody. I changed all the OS fonts from Segoe UI to Arial. Looks much better for me. But here are still some fonts in the OS which i was unable to change them. How can i set everything to Arial ? In this link you'll see that in Everest the fonts are not Arial. Same when i move...
  5. dorinspoaller

    Windows 7 Windows 7 fonts missing !

    Hi, I don't know what happened, but when I turned on my PC this morning I found out that the following fonts are missing from the Windows/Fonts directory: Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman. Maybe others are missing also, but I can't tell. Everything is Italic and/or Bold. So my questions are...
  6. A

    Windows 7 Times new roman, Arial, Tahoma fonts are missing

    I'm trying to restore firefox font setting but couldn't find these fonts Times new roman, Arial, Tahoma. tried notepad but no luck fonts still missing :( Is there a way to restore these fonts?
  7. S

    Windows 7 Font Issue

    As a web developer who mainly uses flash I've come accross a problem wih fonts. From Windows 7 I no longer am able to select the font Arial Baltic. Understanding that infact Arial Baltic is actually an alias of Arial how can I get this font to be selectable in flash? I'm pullin my hair out here...