athlon xp

  1. W

    Windows 7 Can I use my sata2 hdd on dual drive dual boot system and then seperate them later

    I have a older athalon xp system with win 7 and 2 gb of memory i wish to upgrade so I can take advantage of sse2 instruction set for AutoCad training 2011. I am short funds to upgrade now. I have a sata2 hdd 250 WD. I want to make my wife's computer use the second hdd as a dual boot for win 7...
  2. Windows 7 Windows 7 will not install.

    Ok here is my issue. Window 7 fails to install. lol I know. The windows installation is suffering from the reboot problem. Here is the hook... I am doing a clean install. Everyone that reports the reboot look is doing an upgrade. I have tried many times to get this thing to work but it fails...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Problems burning CD/DVD's

    I'm running Win 7, build 7100 on my all three of my computers. On my OLDEST System I consistently fail to get a successful Burn of a CD/DVD. The system consists of : A7N8X Deluxe Ver 2.0 MB Athlon XP 2600+ @ 2.08 GHz Bios Rev 1006 ATI Radeon 9600XT 1 Gig of memory PIONEER__DVR-116D, Firmware...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Installation Nightmare

    I downloaded Windows 7 RC1 and for the life of me I can't get it to install. I've tried redownloading and reburning multiple times and each copy blue screens just after the splash screen with the 4 "balls of light" windows icon. The stop code is 0x7E. I have tried everything I can shake a stick...
  5. J

    Windows Vista Question about Server 2008 (same issues as Vista) and mp3

    The problem i am having is this...The Server 2008 installed fine on my little home server here. Runs smooth. However when i try to play MP3s on it it will run but if i start doing anything else next thing i know my cpu usage spikes to 100 and the song slows down and gets all choppy. Just opening...