backup image

  1. L

    Windows 7 Clean wipe of system, how to restore back my data

    Dear forum users, I am no computer expert, and really need some help, and greatly appreciate for your time. I deleted EVERY single thing from my computer by accident, while installing linux OS. Is it possible to restore everything back with a backup of the system image created ? How do i go...
  2. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 Problems with speech files after updating to 8.1?

    Hi Today I updated my Windows 8 install to Windows 8.1. For the most part it went smoothly but I'm having a weird problem with my text to speech files. But when I hit speak the voice is very distorted and the volume is low, it's the same for all the voices including the Microsoft ones. I...
  3. S

    Windows 7 my computer has been taken over

    hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I am desperate About 6 months ago I bought an Acer Win 7 computer. at this point. I am not a computer newbie, I have been around them for almost 25 yrs. I have been in a battle with my computer for several months now. I have Avast Internet Security...
  4. W

    Windows 7 windows update causing problem

    Installation of April 13 updates for W7 home premium 32 bit rendered Dell XPS m170 laptop unbootable, goes into automatic repair mode on attempted boot. Repair is unsuccessful, system restore is unsuccessful, repair with installation disk unsuccessful as is attempt to boot into safe mode, all...
  5. J

    Windows 7 Blue screen after windows 7 boot

    Hi I traded my dell laptop for the same one, because it was not working, and wanted to keep my personalised settings, so I used drive image xml to create a backup image of my hard drive. Then I used Ultimate boot cd for windows to restore it. That was successful. However, when I try to boot...
  6. H

    Windows Vista Total Data Loss + System Recovery Error on Vista 64

    Hello, I am faced with a real big problem. Recently I've lost all my data due to a RAID problem and had to use a full system image backup I was able to make before the crash. Here's the catch: I use a Core2Quad with 2 SATA drives on RAID 0 and Vista 64 ULTIMATE. I have the windows installation...