backup strategy

  1. TomTiddler

    Windows 7 Some questions about system image backups

    So, I'm doing system image backups over a 1Gb/s network. The system being backed up is a Sony notebook (FW285D) with a 500GB hard drive. The backup runs at a steady 4-5MBytes/sec transfer which seems slow (I should note that a scheduled Win7 backup bursts at 24-45MBytes/sec), and as a result the...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Getting files off of Image Backup

    I do a complete image backup to a USB disk. I would like to take that USB disk to another computer and selectively get some files/folders off of it. Is that possible, or can the image backup only be used in a complete restore of the computer scenario? If it can only be used in a complete...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Backup

    There should be a backup system built in to the Win7 ! The original Backup/Restore is a disaster: - it is using aproprietary file format. Every version of MSDOS and Windows has had an incompatible file format. - it does not know what to backup We had some thinking: Normally an user creates max...