
  1. Windows 7 bsods only while playing bf4???

    Been getting these weird blue screen crashes when playing bf4. About a month ago I thought it was Corsair Vengeance 2000 because it would only happen while using it but I have been playing with my desktop speakers using onboard audio. I have made sure my drivers are up to date, including my...
  2. Windows 8 System Reboots 8.1

    System I7 3770 not oc'd 16 gig ram Gigabyte Motherboard GTX 660 Power Supply is a Corsair 700 Watt only about a year and a half old. I am having trouble figuring out what may be causing Windows 8.1 to crash. It seems that it is fixed and then it isn't. Here is what occurred: 1. Never had any...