
  1. bicklp

    Windows 7 Dell d530 Power management problems

    Just installed RC 7100. I know its early days but i was wondering if anyone had ideas about the following. The processor is running at full speed all the time when plugged in, the speedstep is not working. The Screen is at full brightness all the time, the function keys or the slider in...
  2. sgsawant

    Windows 7 How to change contrast color and brightness?

    How to change color, contrast, brightness and other setting in Windows 7? In Windows XP it quite easy to change these settings. The control panel has left me befuddled. Please help.
  3. I

    Windows 7 Brightness Problem

    I am running windows7 in dell vostro 1400 portable machine, everything is ok except for brightness under battery use. the screen is very dark and all configurations under battery usage are made to brightness full. By now is not possible to use windows 7 under battery option in portable