Windows ten automatic virus checker is absolutely driving me crazy, when I start the computer is immediately runs it and it takes away all my cpu and the computer becomes VERY sluggish to do anything for 5-10 minutes, I've tried turning it off several times, but it still runs, any ideas?
I've been using an app called Grammarly for a few weeks, it's pretty helpful.
It's a grammar and spelling checker that is a little more active than the native one in Chrome.
Has an interface that pops up and underlines things as you type.
It's already popped up several times as I type...
A detailed explanation of how to use Windows System File Integrity Checker (sfc.exe), what exactly it does, and an explanation of its origins. Compute in confidence at
Windows system files are the core files of the operating system that allow the user to interact with the operating system, and allow the operating system to function properly for the user. Windows users depend on the core Windows system files to be free of malware, corruption, and other maladies...