
  1. WoodFixer64

    Windows 7 Corrupt HD. stuck CHKDSK, No Win 7 Pro Disc/BU...

    Hello All I recently got a Dell precision M4800 basically free with Windows 7 Pro. I fired it up and everything ran normally for about 5 minutes until I tried to run normal stuff like Defrag, cleaner, disc checking and then it just bottle up, all icons vanished and then got BSoD....check Bios...
  2. Slink2

    Windows 7 Boot Trojan?

    Hey everybody, just encountered what i think may be a boot sector trojan virus. Im running windows 7 on a sony vaio and can only get into the BIOs system (version R0200Z5). Im unable to boot into anything (normal mode, safe mode, system restore points) when trying, my comp just...