
  1. Questionnaire to Help Improve

    Questionnaire to Help Improve Hello, if you have been using the website, even for one day, it’s important to get your opinion on how you view the website and what can be done better. That is why answers need to be collected to see what can be done to improve the website...
  2. B

    Windows 7 what will happen to all files after upgrade?

    As the title... i am pretty much of worrying with all files i have in my current computer will be gone(more likely rebooted) after the window 7 upgrade. Let's say i have 5 videos and after the upgrade of Window 7 - what will happen to the 5 videos? It's quite a busy day for me :p
  3. W

    Windows 7 Will Windows 7 Full version be better than the Beta

    Ok Windows 7 Beta Runs well but i have concerns?? Whats going to be added to the Full version operating system when it arrives/comes out?? Is there comparisons yet between the 2 and will this change the operation. It runs smooth now. What can you do that will possible make even better...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Windows Media player Spyware

    Hi Guys Be careful in using W7 WMP. There's a little legal "nasty" in that it says " Usage will be sent to Microsoft" plus some discalimer saying that "Information is only collected for "Statistical Purposes". Whilst I don't believe in Microsoft "Conspoiracy" theories I just don't like the...
  5. Windows 7 To wait or not to wait...

    More concerning the new os...: Link Removed
  6. S

    Windows Vista anti-virus software for vista

    I just bought a new laptop with vista premium, should i install AVG? are there any concerns i should be aware of?