
  1. kemical

    Windows 7 Virus warning

    Hi, I recieved a e-mail warning of a nasty virus so I thought I'd reproduce it (the mail) for the benefit of others... Hi All, this has been checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! and it is for real!! Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP...
  2. S

    Windows Vista Vista and integration

    Hi all: I was just thinking how much potential Microsoft has by integrating with Vista and future OS releases. I think they can have something very "innovative" by doing this. They can do this as an option rather than a built-in feature to avoid any anti-trust suits. Anyway, here...
  3. J

    Windows Vista syncing pocket pc devices with Vista

    I was wondering if anyone had success in sycning their pocket pc devices with Outlook while using Vista? I currently have a iPaq 4700 with Windows Mobile 5.0 but I cannot get Vista to see the device. It sees and syncs the CF and SD cards which I have inserted in the pocket pc but it does not...