
  1. A

    Criminals duped into using app monitored by police
  2. whoosh

    SATIRE If Trump Wins.

    A nation of Brickies Criminals will be drafted in to do the work Chain gangs storming about the boarders Prison workshops turned into kilns American Brick day Big public holiday :usa::shocked:
  3. kemical

    More powers for Big Brother?

    Here in the UK the goverment plan to tighten laws so to be able to 'snoop' on anyone without having to obtain a warrant first. One of the founding fathers of the web had this to say.... Personally I feel it makes the book '1984' seem niave...... :-# Reference: Web pioneer Sir Tim...
  4. cybercore

    Bank robbers arrested after bragging on Facebook

    Four bank robbers have been arrested after boasting about their successful raid on Facebook. The dim witted criminals posted the message "I'm rich" and "Wipe my teeth with hundreds" soon after an armed raid on a bank in Houston, Texas. Police were...
  5. cybercore

    Court confiscates 3 tons of mammoth tusks

    Link Removed due to 404 Error ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) – Russian authorities have confiscated three tonnes of mammoth tusks from a criminal gang which tried to smuggle them out of the country. The court office of the northern city of St. Petersburg said on Thursday that it had...
  6. whoosh

    Windows 7 Online Virus Robs 3,000 UK Bank Accounts

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Thousands of online banking customers have had their accounts drained by a sophisticated new computer virus, internet security Experts say the virus represents a new level of sophistication Around £675,000 was taken from a "large UK financial institution" over...
  7. whoosh

    Viagra Stolen

    Police suspect hardened criminals at work !!!
  8. kemical

    Windows 7 World of Warcraft users get another worry

    World of Warcraft users get another worry Sexy girls are not always what they seem By Link Removed - Invalid URL Friday, 27 November 2009, 12:15 INSECURITY FIRM Sophos is warning World of Warcraft users to be on the look out for sexy strangers bearing dangerous gifts. According to the...