
  1. seekermeister

    VIDEO Ancient Aliens Debunked

    Since I got the feeling that some on the forum might have bitten on the AA bait, I thought I should post this video to counter it:
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Bad British NFL Commentary

  3. Windows 8 Consumer Preview Review

    Windows 8 Consumer Preview Review

    Microsoft MVP Ross Cameron, Microsoft MVP Mike Fara, and Windows 8 Forums' Administrator and Cooler King Michael Myles, come together to host, discuss, evaluate, and explain the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system to each other and the broader audience at large. We talk about the Metro UI Start...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Big Brother is WWWatching You - feat. George Orwell [RAP NEWS

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Game Time : Pokémon Black & Blue -- PETA's Terrible Parody Game!

  6. News

    Windows 8 Why Microsoft’s Windows 8 is an even bigger flop than Windows Vista

    Windows 8 is doing significantly worse than Microsoft's biggest failure, Windows Vista... Source: Yahoo! News
  7. Jimbo22

    super bowl commericals

    Well so far the commercials through the first quarter were not funny or impressive to say the least.
  8. kemical

    Windows 8 Windows 8: Good or Bad?

    I read this article today and just wondered what others thought? Do you agree with the sentiments given in the article or no? Personally I feel that this guy sat down and used Windows 8 for around a minute and a half. Anyone who has explored the new interface knows that it can easily be...
  9. Trouble

    Windows 8 Problem? Maybe not.... or maybe so.

    I've watched, waited and read literally hundreds and more likely thousands of posts, both here and elsewhere across the the internet, regarding opinions both pro and con as a result of folks dipping their virtual toes into the arguably troubled waters that is the Windows 8 Metro UI. I listen to...
  10. Mike

    VIDEO Windows 8 Consumer Preview Video Review with whoosh, kemical, and Mike

    Ross Cameron, Mike Fara, and Michael Myles, come together to host, discuss, evaluate, and explain the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system to each other and the broader audience at large. We talk about the Metro UI Start Screen, gaming performance, showing off new featres, and the learning...
  11. Mike

    VIDEO Windows 8 Consumer Preview Demonstration and Commentary

    Do you have cold feet about going it alone with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview? You don't have to. Join me in a rational exploration of Windows 8 Consumer Preview. About 45 minutes in length, the video gives you a first hand look at the aesthetics and readily apparent features of Windows 8 CP...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Adolf Hitler Doll? JeepersMedia FAIL Toy TEST! Worst Playset Ever?

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Angry Grandpa HATES Harold Camping

  14. whoosh

    Harold Camping Miracle Man !

    I have finally worked out how Harold Camping does it . When he says the world is about to end he is correct but being so blessed the fact is reversed ! He could have saved the , Titanic . All it would have needed is a , " Were all doomed !" What a man . A real life saver !
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Why Windows Sucks

  16. News

    Windows 8: I'm Not Happy, Bob. NOT Happy.

    If you haven't seen the video or heard the news, watch this first. Then we'll discuss. (Please visit the site to view this media) All done? Good. My first reaction to this video was, “Oh my god, they nerfed Windows 8 in a desperate attempt to hump Apple's leg.” The new format is clearly designed...
  17. News

    Stop the Presses: The Windows 8 App Store looks like…Every Osther App Store

    Now, I realize that there are bloggers out there that will take Microsoft to task over something they have done, or poke fun at Microsoft, in order to get pageviews. Some do it when it is justified, or when seems funny at the moment (we’ve done both) and then there are those like MG Siegler...
  18. News

    Stop the Presses: The Windows 8 App Store looks like…Every Other App Store

    Now, I realize that there are bloggers out there that will take Microsoft to task over something they have done, or poke fun at Microsoft, in order to get pageviews. Some do it when it is justified, or when seems funny at the moment (we’ve done both) and then there are those like MG Siegler...
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO The Shamwow sucks!!!!

  20. News

    We're Not Touching Windows 7 Tablets With a Ten-Foot Stylus [Tablets]

    # tablets There's no way Windows 7 tablets aren't going to suck. We're going to see a lot of them this week. And they're going to suck. More » More...