
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "The White House 'Buckles Up' For Mueller Probe" on YouTube

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  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Republicans Admit Russia Helped Trump Win" on YouTube

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  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Joe: North Korea Changing Course Is Not A Surprise | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "President Trump Helping Sanctioned Chinese Phone Maker, Risking National Security | Hardball | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "That Was Easy: How China Bought Trump" on YouTube

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  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "White House Can't Explain How China $500 Million Doesn't Violate Constitution" on YouTube

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  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Fox News Puts On Propaganda Clinic For Israel" on YouTube

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  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Why did North Korea wait until now to threaten canceling Trump-Kim summit?" on YouTube

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  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Fox Host: What's So Bad About Swamps?" on YouTube

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  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "NYT: Mike Pence aims to control Republican party" on YouTube

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  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Pruitt asked for 24/7 security immediately, despite claims" on YouTube

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  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump Preparing To Launch “Regime Change” Plan In Iran" on YouTube

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  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Activists Facing YEARS In Prison For Showing Turkey Farm Abuse" on YouTube

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  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Fareed: Trump’s only possible Iran strategy is a fantasy" on YouTube

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  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Bolton: It's 'possible' US would sanction European countries" on YouTube

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  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "White House announces artificial intelligence task force" on YouTube

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    VIDEO Watch "Lawmaker regards John Kelly's comments as racism" on YouTube

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  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "John Kelly: Donald Trump “Embarrassed” By Robert Mueller’s Investigation | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Loyalty, unease permeate parts of Trump country" on YouTube

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  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Companies Paid Millions To Michael Cohen | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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