
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Snowflake Trump Threatens Press Credentials In Twitter Tantrum" on YouTube

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  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "CIA Director Nominee Gina Haspel FULL OPENING STATEMENT (C-SPAN)" on YouTube

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  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump: Americans held in North Korea released" on YouTube

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  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump’s MADNESS Is A Threat To National Security, Former CIA Chief Says" on YouTube

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  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Joe: Michael Avenatti Has Beaten President Donald Trump At His Own Game | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "If you don't need a BBC TV Licence (TVL/Capita threats)" on YouTube

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  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Down Goes Blankenship!" on YouTube

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  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "How Republicans Will Get Rid of Robert Mueller" on YouTube

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  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump: I Got Rid of Obamacare; IRS: No You Didn't" on YouTube

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  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Mueller Rejects Trump Request for "Written Interview"" on YouTube

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  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Fox Host Slams Jeff Sessions Over Cannabis" on YouTube

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  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump to announce U.S. will withdraw from Iran deal" on YouTube

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  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Bombshell: Trump Camp Hired Israeli Spies To Undermine Iran Deal" on YouTube

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  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Scott Pruitt's Growing Scandals | All In | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "President Donald Trump Turns Prospect Of Interview Into Reality TV | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Meacham: President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani Fall Back On Roy Cohn Strategy | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "A Never Trumper On Getting Blacklisted. Cheri Jacobus Interview" on YouTube

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  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Devin Nunes wants to hold Jeff Sessions in contempt" on YouTube

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  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Anonymous Republican On Trump: 'Impeach The Motherf*cker'" on YouTube

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  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump won't be invited to John McCain's funeral, source says" on YouTube

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