
  1. whoosh

    ART The Damaged Rigging 2

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO German consulate building damaged by Russian missile strike in Kyiv

  3. FunHD2

    Windows 10 Windows 10 critical corruptions and missing files.

    I am very confused that this windows installation still even works. Not even commands work correctly. Windows defender is fucked up and integrity is non-existent. But I have an idea, I always have an idea. But I don't know if it does the correct thing for my problems. I want to reset windows...
  4. J

    Windows 7 winrar archive corruption

    When I try to open or extract my .rar archive I see. "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged." How to remove this error and to unpack my .rar file? Should I try another tools like 7-Zip? Thanks!
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO DIY: How to repair a clicking damaged hard drive

  6. wahn

    Windows Vista Damaged Hard Drive

    I have a hard drive that seems to be damaged. Is there any way I can perhaps get windows to overlook damaged sectors and use only what works? What can I do?