dean hachamovitch

  1. News

    Windows 7 IE9 RTW Due Date, A Big Thank You, MIX11, and a Unicorn Named Frank

    It's always fun to talk to Dean Hachamovitch about IE. This conversation is no exception except for how early we filmed and that Dean and Ryan Gavin are joined, since it took place at that magical hour between exiting night and breaking day, by the team unicorn named Frank, who doesn't like to...
  2. News

    Windows 7 Dean Hachamovitch: IE9 - Questions and Answers

    Not too long ago, I posted a thread in the Coffeehouse asking for your IE9 questions for Dean Hachamovitch, VP of Engineering for Internet Explorer. Thank you for asking such great questions, Niners! We didn't have time cover all of them, but we did manage to get through several of them (and...
  3. loathe

    Internet Explorer 9

    Link Removed - Invalid URL As General Manager of the team, Dean Hachamovitch is responsible for the design, development, and release of Internet Explorer. We welcome Dean back to the stage as one of our MIX10 keynoters in Las Vegas next month. After all, what would our premier web conference...
  4. Matt

    Windows 7 IE8 at MIX 08 MIX 08 will be held from March 5-March 7, 2008, so perhaps around then, there will be a beta out. This will be interesting, to see how well IE8 stacks up to Firefox, Opera, and Safari.