
  1. VIDEO The Dude Who Managed to Win a Major Olympic Event Despite Being Dead When He Defeated His Opponent

  2. SATIRE Devil Admits Defeat

  3. VIDEO Mitch McConnell Admits Defeat

  4. VIDEO Jim Acosta: Trump's biggest tactical defeat of his political life

    :usa: :razz:
  5. VIDEO Republicans Suffer Embarrassing Defeat In Pennsylvania Special Election

  6. VIDEO Watch Trump & Republicans Attack EACH OTHER Over Healthcare Defeat

  7. VIDEO TrumpCare Defeat Kicks Off Presidential Twitter Meltdown, As Is Tradition

  8. Windows 7 Steam Xmas Sale day #3

    Day three of Steam's Christmas sale: from 6pm GMT A scattering of some decent titles today... Aliens Vs Predator 3 £3.75, not bad for one of the early Dx11 titles, short campaign mode, but the multi is good. Rockstar's Bully £2.50 Just Cause 2 £5.00 excellent sandbox game with fab graphics...
  9. S

    Windows 7 A Doozy! 7 Home Premium 64bit, E-Machines and Kaspersky...

    Evening all! I have run into this absolutely fabulous little stinker of a problem that has pretty much everyone around me, including me of course, defeated! I have a client which has purchesed three E-Machines G-725's pre-loaded with 7 Home Premium 64bit. I set up all three machines at...