digital downloads

  1. Apple Offers $100 App Credit with MacBook Purchase

    Apple is trying to lure consumers in a different direction, offering a $100 iTunes gift card to anyone buying a MacBook. The gift card must be used to purchase Apple products including digital downloads. Read Full Story: Apple Offers App Credit with MacBook Purchase /
  2. S

    Windows 7 no sound when i burn movies with windows dvd maker

    Does anyone know why when I try to burn a movie i downloaded from the internet I get no sound??? I mean it works i get a perfect picture but no sound, when i preview it before i start the burn there is sound it works and looks great. The finish product however has no sound at all.....I have...
  3. Windows 7 What is up with Steam.

    I do not play games online, but it appears more games seem to require you log on before you can play. Since I really do not want this requirement, is there something that identifies such games I can see before I purchase them? For instance, I got Batman and the box said Windows Live. So when...