digital output

  1. Redheart

    Windows 7 Realtek "Digital" Output

    Digital Output sounds like something that should be digital, right? My question about Realtek Digital output is, does it rely on speakers? Because it really sounds like something that shouldn't. When I saw that this computer has Digital Output, I assumed that means I don't need to have speakers...
  2. JezPX73

    Windows 8 Realtek HD Audio and 5.1 sound problem with Windows 8

    Hi, I have already done a search on this forum to see if anyone has been having a similar problem and many do, but so far no suggestions have helped me...... My problem is I have an Acer 6920G laptop running Windows 8 (and 7 on another drive) and no matter which Realtek audio drivers I...
  3. A

    Windows 7 Realtek - Speakers & Digital Output

    Hey guys... I'm having a problem. I asked about it in, but I didn't got answer. So the problem is, that I don't know what is digital output device and should I have it ON, because I am having speakers device set to default, because digital output is not working... When I listen...
  4. sonicraf

    Windows 7 audio device not listed in "playback devices"

    hello, i am having a hard time getting getting my sound card (ECHO MIA) to work under windows 7. i used the latest Vista driver, and echo appears fine under device manager. However it is not showing under playback devices, and my windows 7 defaulted audio output to some digital s/pdif...
  5. THRobinson

    Windows 7 Sound Issues - 2 Different Cards

    I have an older SB Live! 5.1 card (model SB0060) and couldn't get the sound to work. Ran the driver in compatibility mode for WinXP SP3, and as admin, and it installed fine, when I played music the lvels were going up/down... but no sound from my speakers (and yes, everything connected just...