digital photos

  1. G

    Windows 10 MP4 Media Created date/time fields are 4 hours earlier than they should be

    After a trip, I transferred my photos/videos from my SD camera memory card to my PC using copy/paste in Windows Explorer. The Media created date/time on the PC MP4 files are 4 hours earlier that they should be. When the Date modified is "9/24/2018 2:52 PM" the Media created date/time shows...
  2. Windows 7 I need a picture database

    I don't know if I'm on the right site or not but can someone give me a helping hand? I have 10,000 pictures which date over the last 70 years. I have tried to organize my pictures by spending about 1,000 hours over the last 10 years. So I’m wondering if there is a database out there that could...
  3. B

    Windows Vista Image resizer toy

    Needing to resize digital photos i have recently taken. WinXP had a great little tweaker toy for this...i can't seem to find it in Win7. Is there a small program to do this. In WinXP all one had to do was right click on the image and voila, one could instantly resize an image. Cheers and beers...
  4. L

    Windows 7 Arrange digital photos

    digital photos ordenen vroeger in XP kon je de foto's en afbeeldingen verplaatsen, slepen. bv> foto 3 kon je verslepen naar de eerste plaats. in windows7 kan dit nu niet meer. is er daar een oplossing voor? je kan ze wel hernoemen bv> B.v. IMG001.jpg, IMG002.jpg, enz. Als je dan b.v. foto 12...
  5. P

    Windows 7 WMP Picture Library question

    I recently got Win 7 Home Premium. I have transfered my pictures from win xp to win 7, my pictures folder, I have noticed that my pictures are in Windows Media Playes as well. Is this to be or not. Thank you
  6. A

    Windows 7 mediasmart photo

    Can someone tell me how to use this? I open my memory stick and double click on the picture, which brings up the HP mediasmart photo and when I try to go to the next picture there is no arrow or anything to go forward or backward. It's probably something really simple...just don't know...
  7. T

    Windows 7 Portable Hard drives

    I am a photographer and have thousands of digital photos to store. I have two portable harddrives attached to my Dell laptop with USB connections. I periodicaly unplug the hard drives to make my laptop portable. The problem is when I reattach the hard drives, the one that is normally the E...
  8. I

    Windows Vista Crossroads: Mac OS X or Vista???

    None of my PCs will run the premium version of Vista as they are configured leaving me at a crossroads:( . As I move to dual processor system, should I stick with Windows and go Vista? Or since I have to buy a new computer anyway, should I go with a Mac? I'm not much of a PC gamer (I prefer my...