
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO CB & HAM RADIO: Build a MAG-LOOP MKIII Works on 27Mhz CB & HAM Bands

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Things you can make from old, dead laptops

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Beginners Guide to Watercooling! Easy to Understand Tutorial

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Routers Suck. Build Your Own Instead!

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO How to Clean a Mechanical Keyboard

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Don't throw out your old router - do this instead!

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO DIY CRAFTS - Can You Inject RESIN into an EGGSHELL ?

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO DIY Salt-Water Survival Bottle (Compact Desalination Kit)

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Why Cheap Coffee Makers Suck (And How To Fix Them)

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Homemade Batsignal Reaches the Clouds (and how to make an image projector for yourself!)

  11. whoosh

    VIDEO An amazing idea from cement! DIY the mushroom waterfall aquarium at home

  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Woodturning - I Maxed Out My Lathe !!

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Can you lift a 60ft tower with a hand crank?

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO This Self Sufficient Family Makes Their Own Fuel From Plastic!

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO 5 cool things you can do with your router's USB port!

  16. C

    Windows 7 Trouble joining a forum

    Hi ........ I tried to join a DIY repair forum so I can fix up my house. I put in my email address and a password. After that I checked my mail and there was nothing new in it. I tried a different forum and the same thing happened. I'm using Firefox with some privacy addons. Are the addons...
  17. C

    Windows 10 TP Link Mesh router + Bluetooth - No thanks.

    I'm working on networking our new-old (1995 vintage) house. It has already had some cable drops installed and all in the "wrong" places (well, duh). I looked at MoCA (2 different coax cable sets already in the walls) - $180.00/cable run? - I don't think so. Then I looked at MESH - interesting...
  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Best Way to Apply Thermal Paste? Does it Even Matter?

  19. whoosh

    VIDEO What Happens When You Boil Your CPU in WATER?

    :iee: Maybe not try this at home ?
  20. whoosh

    VIDEO How to build a working computer and have fish swim around it!
